You are your enemy 

Your inner self influences your outer self by reflecting your thoughts and emotions in your actions and behavior. Communication between the two is essential for authenticity. Cultivating a positive relationship with yourself allows you to align your inner and outer being, promoting coherence and well-being. By acting with integrity, you strengthen your character and project a genuine version of yourself to the world.

Don't be overconfident; what you do to yourself affects you. Show that you are capable of self-control and achieving your goals.

Game Jam 1 - Generation Colombia

Peoples : 

Gustavo Jimenez

Jorge Fernandes

Juan Velez 

Repository :



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I imagined something darker, but it's amazing how the colors were applied to the scenes. The way my brain connects both eyes to see the players not dying is very interesting. Overall, a great piwel art experience!

We have the same proposal but explored in a different way, I love it!

A very entertaining and intuitive game.

Very good sound and level design, it looks very high quality.

Love the artwork, great pixel art. took me a while to figure out what was I suppose to do and that in fact I was controlling two characters, they blend too easily with the background colours.


That's great.I like his sound and design interface

It took me a while catch what was going up. It's interesting the way it works, I like the sounds. I'd like to see more of it! Nice guys.